English Resources

You will find all of these on my Twitter timeline, but for ease of access, here are some links.

I have many, many SoW and resources which I am happy to share. These are just the ones that I have uploaded to Dropbox, often at the request of an online friend. If you have any requests then please do get in touch – I’m always happy to see what I have and/or ask around.

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2

Here you will find the AQA paper 2 booklet (available in the public domain) along with a set of practice exam questions for (almost) all of the articles.

AQA GCSE English Literature – An Inspector Calls

Here you will find some practice papers for AIC, saved with character/theme of question as the file name.

AQA English Literature Power and Conflict Poetry

Here you will find a simple document which links the poems, if that’s your cup of tea (I know some people prefer to empower their students to link any poem with any poem. I’m not quite there yet…)

Here is a PPt based SoW (which also includes the links table, above). My fabulous team and I wrote this – help yourself to any of it, but it would mean a great deal to me if you could a) follow and b) drop a little thanks to Megan and Anna.

KS3 (or 4 if you prefer) Spelling and Grammar Homework Sheets

These were a Labour Of Love. Truly. They were produced by me, my colleague Nicola (not on Twitter), my colleagues Megan and Anna (above) and Hannah (on Twitter but not active). Use them as homework (mark in class!) or as a teaching resource or in anyway you see fit.